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Provincial Legislation

Each province has specific legislation that highlights regulatory obligations of employees, employers, and contractors. Make sure you’re following the legal requirements of the province you are working in:

  • Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulations and OHS Codes
  • Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations
  • British Columbia Workers Compensation Act and the Health and Safety Regulations
  • Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia
The Right and Responsibility to Refuse Unsafe Work
EPCOR has a strong commitment to the health and safety of its employees, contractors, and visitors. No one is expected to work in an unsafe environment or perform an unsafe act and no one will be penalized for refusing to do so. It is the responsibility of each employee to take responsibility for his or her safety and for the safety of those working around them.
On-boarding Process

​Before Work

The EPCOR site contact will arrange for site access. Contractors must provide proof of all certifications for the work they will be doing while on the EPCOR site contact at the pre-mobilization meeting. Copies of relevant certifications, along with expiry dates, will be taken and logged by EPCOR.

Pre-Mobilization Meeting

The Pre-Mobilization Meeting is intended to communicate EPCOR’s expectations of the contract. It will also introduce the project team members and review project based elements such as scope, HSE requirements, communication, schedules, quality assurance, progress payments, and construction completion.

Orientation Training

Before beginning any work on an EPCOR site, the contractor and any sub-contractors must complete orientation training. This will be organized by a designated EPCOR site contact. Orientations will include a site-specific overview for the site or sites you will be working on as well as a walkthrough of appropriate site(s) and areas where you will be working. If contract work will take place at a location that is not at an EPCOR site, such as a roadway, an orientation is still required and will include safety rules and expectations. Contractor orientation will be recorded and the contractor will be provided with a record to indicate that they have completed orientation training and are allowed to work on EPCOR sites.

General Housekeeping
Ensure that the work site is kept clean and free from accumulation of debris and other hazards that may endanger workers or restrict safe access or egress, and make sure equipment and material are stored properly.
Contractor Responsibilities

The contractor is responsible for ensuring that all their workers and subcontractors comply with all applicable HSE legislation for the jurisdiction of work being executed.

The contractor shall enforce all applicable safety rules and regulations to all individuals under their supervision, including subcontractors, on the work site.

The contractor shall be responsible to:   

  • Ensure the health and safety of their workers,
  • Manage environmental aspects and impacts of the job and the environment,
  • Ensure that their workers are competent to perform their assigned tasks,
  • Ensure equipment brought onto the work site is in good repair, and is maintained and operated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations,
  • Meet the intent of the EPCOR HSE commitment and beliefs, and these contractor requirements,
  • Explain these contractor requirements and any project specific procedures to their employees and subcontractors to ensure compliance,
  • Ensure property is not damaged,
  • Ensure that their employees, other workers, visitors, and the public are not subjected to injury or illness as a result of contractor operations, and
  • Ensure that the EPCOR Alcohol and Drug Standard or their own standards is adhered to by workers and subcontractors on the work site, including providing pre-access testing for safety sensitive positions.
Life Saving Rules

EPCOR has identified 10 Life Saving Rules to encourage consistent behaviours which can help prevent the kind of incidents that could result in a serious injury or fatality on our sites. The Life Saving Rules are not just rules, but are intended to focus on a certain group of practices associated with higher hazard activities. The aim of the Life Saving Rules is to build more awareness about the appropriate safe behaviours and practices and the need for consistency when engaging in these behaviours. There is a reference to the associated rule in each section in the manual where the Life Saving Rules apply directly.

Any incident that involves the violation of any of these rules will be thoroughly investigated. Based on the findings of the investigation, individuals found in breach of the aforementioned life-saving rules will be subject to EPCOR's disciplinary processes, up to and including removal from further work on EPCOR projects.

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Supervision Requirements

The contractor shall advise EPCOR in writing, of the person(s) who will ensure continuous compliance with applicable requirements. This list should include the contractor's supervisor and as many representatives as the contractor determines are required to ensure appropriate supervision and safe performance of all jobs on the work site. A 24-hour emergency telephone number(s) shall be provided. The individuals noted shall have the authority to correct safety deficiencies. EPCOR reserves the right to approve the contractor's supervisor and/or safety staff.

Supervisors provided by contractor must be competent, and clear limits of authority need to be established for the contractor's supervisor.

The contractor shall ensure that workers on the work site are adequately qualified, suitably trained/certified, and sufficiently experienced to perform work in a safe manner with minimum supervision. Those workers who do not meet these criteria shall be directly supervised by a competent worker. All training must meet OH&S legislation. EPCOR standards for training should be discussed with EPCOR project manager prior to starting work to ensure expectations are met.

EPCOR's safety and environmental program is based on OHSAS 18001 and ISO14001 requirements. All contract work on EPCOR sites is done according to a signed contract agreement that includes health, safety and environmental expectations. Contractors should also have and follow their own corporate HSE program, work site specific HSE plans, along with applicable HSE legislation and other applicable regulations.

Contractors are required to keep documentation and records, conduct work observations and/or inspections to review the safety and environmental aspects of the task being observed, and complete monthly performance reports as required.

Daily Safe Work Plans/FLHAs must take place at the start of each shift or task. EPCOR will monitor and track contractor performance against legal and other requirements. The EPCOR OH&S Policy is in accordance with the following provincial codes and standards:

  • Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Part 3 (General Duties)
  • British Columbia Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Part 3 (Roles and Responsibilities – Occupational Health and Safety Programs)

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If you have any questions about any safety matter, talk to your EPCOR Project Manager, your Project Coordinator, or the EPCOR area safety advisor.

Learn more in the downloadable PDF