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Next steps

We're proposing a capital and operational plan to the City of Edmonton's Utility Committee, and asking for the committee's feedback on our preferred timeline and approach.

We're recommending a scenario that implements capital and operational changes over 20 years at a cost of approximately $1.6 billion in capital investment. This includes the recently approved $59 million in flood mitigation grants from the provincial and federal governments to support this plan.

In addition, we'll be recommending to the City of Edmonton a non-routine rate adjustment for 2020/2021 to fund early implementation of the SIRP strategy prior to the next formal Performance Based Rate application for 2022-2027. 

Timeline for action


Major flood mitigation construction projects

Our Stormwater Integrated Resource Plan includes significant improvements to Edmonton's drainage system that are designed to slow and move stormwater away from high-risk areas. These projects will work in tandem with other strategies to slow, move, secure, predict, and respond to stormwater events.

These include:

  • Dry ponds — green spaces that act as catch basins for excess stormwater during heavy rainfalls. We are proposing 31 dry pond sites.
  • Tunnels, trunks and sewer separations — where there are combined storm and sanitary systems in high-risk areas, we will separate them, increasing the amount of stormwater we can move in extreme weather and reducing the risk of backups to nearby properties.