Our shared outcomes = shared goals
With special interest groups, recreational users and residents near the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Edmonton, we established five shared outcome statements EPCOR and the Gold Bar community can commit to. These shared outcomes are also considered our project drivers and include:
Project drivers
Each of our projects is created to align with the Shared Outcome Statements and Design Principles that were established with input from special interest groups, recreational users and residents near the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant. The icons next to each project indicate which Shared Outcomes are project drivers:
Quality of life: The Gold Bar wastewater treatment facility is operated, maintained and updated in a way that reduces impacts to stakeholders and improves quality of life regarding odour, noise and enjoyment of parks and recreation.
Safety: Community, public and worker safety and health are protected.
Relationship: An honest, transparent, trusting and respectful long-term relationship is developed between EPCOR and Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant stakeholders.
Environment: Pollution is prevented. The impact of the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant on air, land, water, climate and ecosystems is reduced.
Reliable, responsible and sustainable: The Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed, maintained and operated in a prudent and responsible manner.
Design principles: How we will achieve our shared outcomes together
The Design Principles define how EPCOR will achieve the goals described in the five Shared Outcome Statements and provide a framework to guide the evolution of the site. We incorporate these into our planning documents for the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant.