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EPCOR is installing water meter reading devices ‒ also called Advanced Metering Infrastructure or AMI ‒ on most water meters in Edmonton. These water meter reading devices will remotely provide accurate, timely water consumption information in a safer and more environmentally-friendly way.
Water meters are located inside homes and properties, usually in the basement. To install the devices, customers will need to schedule appointments with our installation provider, Neptune Technology Group. View the map below to find out when installations will begin in your zone.
View the map below to find out what zone you are in and when your home or business will receive its new water meter reading device.
If you're not sure which zone you are in, enter your address to zoom into your neighbourhood.
Zone 1
In progress
Zone 2
In progress
Zone 3
In progress
Zone 4
In progress
Zone 5
In progress
Zone 6
In progress
Water meters with AMI reading devices are EPCOR’s standard water meter for the City of Edmonton. Customers who choose not to have an AMI device installed on their property will have to pay fees associated with non-standard equipment and a monthly meter reading fee.
If you have received a letter from Neptune Technology Group please proceed with booking your free water AMI device installation. There is no fee for booking and we will not request credit card information or ask for payment by e-transfer, bitcoin or kiosk payments.
When installations are starting in your neighbourhood, you will receive the following:
The below images are examples of some of the AMI device and water meter configurations that are currently being installed. During the appointment, the installer will select the configuration that works with the water meter at your location.
The new AMI devices will say Landis + Gyr on them.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is an automated meter reading technology that is now an industry standard for efficient meter reading for many utility providers. These devices will gather water usage data automatically without the need for EPCOR to enter your property each month to obtain a meter reading
Most EPCOR customers will be getting the new AMI devices in their homes or business by 2025. We will notify property owners when their installation period is set to begin. You can view the map above to see when installations are scheduled to begin in your area.
An AMI meter reading device will be installed on the water meter in your home or business. The device connects to your water meter and sends data to our EPCOR billing system through a low frequency radio signal using the advanced metering system already in place with our power meters.
Most water meter reading devices currently installed in homes and businesses in Edmonton are part of an aging meter reading system that is reaching the end of its life cycle and is due for replacement. AMI infrastructure is quickly becoming the industry standard for water meters across North America to increase efficiency and operations and provide additional insight into water usage.
There are no out-of-pocket costs to customers for the new AMI devices or installation.
Water meters with AMI reading devices are EPCOR’s standard water meter for the City of Edmonton. Customers who choose not to have an AMI device installed on their property will have to pay fees associated with non-standard meter installation and a monthly non-standard meter reading.
If you have a non-standard meter reading device and would like to opt out of installing a standard meter reading device, you need to email wateroptout@epcor.com and include:
NOTE: Starting on September 1, 2025, a monthly fee of $25 will be applied to your account for the costs associated with manually reading the water meter at your location. This fee amount is subject to annual review and may change. The next review for this fee will take place in 2026, with changes taking effect on April 1, 2026.
If you choose a non-standard metering device, please keep in mind we will need easy access to the touchpad installed on the exterior of your home each month to read your meter.
If at any point you decide to have an advanced, standard water meter reading device installed at your location, we will complete the exchange free of charge. Note: It may take up to 30 days to ensure the non-standard monthly meter reading fee is removed from your bill.
If you don't want a standard meter reading device or if you want to have your existing standard water meter reading device removed, please contact us at 310-4300 to make this request.
EPCOR is currently installing the devices throughout the City of Edmonton. Customers will be able to access their consumption data to help make decisions about water use at a later date once all installations are complete and EPCOR has developed the format for how data will be reported back to customers.
EPCOR has hired Neptune Technology Group to complete the AMI device installations. Since most water meters in Edmonton are located in the customer’s basement, customers will need to book an appointment online through Neptune Technology Group to complete the installation in their home.
You can book your appointment by visiting epcor.watermeterappt.com or by calling 1-800-667-4387.
The water meter is usually found in the basement, near the main water shut-off valve. This shut-off valve is located where your water service line comes into your home. Again, this is usually in your basement. If you are having trouble locating the water meter, you may want to check your furnace room, utility room, or near your hot water tank.
A water meter is a device that records water consumption. Your water meter is connected to a meter reading device that displays your water consumption information and sends it to EPCOR. This information is then used for billing purposes.
EPCOR will send out a notification through your bill one month before installations are beginning in your area. You will also receive notices from our installation contractor, Neptune Technology Group.
You can also view the map above to see which zone your neighbourhood is in and when installations will start. Once we are in your assigned zone (see map above), you can book an appointment by visiting epcor.watermeterappt.com or by calling 1-800-667-4387.
You will be notified when Neptune is in your area via a letter sent directly to your home or commercial building. When you receive the letter, please schedule your appointment as soon as possible.
We are happy to work with whoever is looking after your home while you are away to get the device installed.
Your water service will stay on during installation unless we need to replace or repair your current water meter.
Not all meter reading devices are being changed. Please contact EPCOR at 310-4300 to confirm more details on your meter reading device.
The typical life of a meter reading device is 20 years. Like most mechanical devices, they eventually need to be replaced. In other cases, EPCOR may need to replace both the meter and meter reading device. Neptune is completing all meter reading device replacements, while EPCOR is completing replacements involving both a meter and meter reading device.
For more information, please contact EPCOR at 310-4300.
There is no charge for a water meter reading device or for its installation. When you are booking your appointment, we will not ask for credit card information or ask for payment by e-transfer, bit coin or kiosk payments, and you will not be charged a booking fee.
It is important to note, however, that homeowners are responsible for ensuring that their internal water pipes are in good condition and the meter is fully accessible in order to facilitate installation. As part of this responsibility, homeowners may have to incur costs associated with preparing the meter area for installation. For additional information, refer to the EPCOR Water Services Bylaw (Section 8.1, b) or contact EPCOR directly at 310-4300.
Prior to commencing any work, the installer will inspect the plumbing to ensure that it is in suitable condition to handle the stress of the work required. If it is determined that the plumbing is not in good enough condition, the installer will recommend upgrading the service line to current standards. Any costs associated with this would be the homeowner’s responsibility.
The installer will require a clear walking path to the meter area, as well as enough space to kneel down comfortably in front of the meter, with a small tool bag at their side.
A crawl space is an area of limited height, typically found under your floor or roof. Water meters can occasionally be found in these spaces, or an installer may have to pass through such a space to gain access to the water meter. If the entry access to your water meter is less than 4 feet from floor to ceiling, the installer’s entire body needs to enter the limited space to complete the job.
It is vital that you let Neptune know beforehand if this is the case for your water meter. This will help the installer come prepared so that the required safety protocols are in place while the work is being completed.
Yes. Water meters are located inside homes and businesses. The technician will enter the home or commercial building to replace the meter reading device. The full scope of work will be determined by the technician and communicated to you prior to commencing work.
All technicians will be in a Neptune uniform. Uniforms consist of:
Here's a sample of a Neptune ID Card.
If you are unsure of the technician’s identity, please call Neptune at 1-800-667-4387.
All installers are certified and trained to install water meter reading devices as per EPCOR guidelines.
Yes. Additionally, Neptune performs criminal background checks on all technicians.
Yes, it is possible. If an installer is in your area, they may attempt to knock on your door and offer to do an installation with no scheduled appointment. If you are uncomfortable with this situation, simply tell your installer you would rather schedule an appointment. Alternatively, you may request to see the installer’s identification. You can also call Neptune at 1-800-667-4387 to confirm an installer’s identity.
Under no circumstances will an authorized Neptune installer ask you for money.
Neptune uses a variety of door tags to communicate with homeowners. Most often, door tags are used to indicate that you still need to book your appointment or that you have missed a scheduled appointment. It is important to read your door tag carefully to know what actions you need to take.
Your AMI meter reading device will send water usage data to EPCOR through a low-power radio frequency signal, which is already used for our electricity meters in Edmonton. These low-power radio frequency signals are much lower than the radio frequency signals emitted by cell phones, microwaves, baby monitors, garage door openers, wireless routers and other common household devices. Health Canada states the signals used by smart meters have no adverse short- or long-term health effects.
We take your privacy very seriously. Identifiable customer information like your name, address, account number, etc. is not stored within the meter — only your water consumption data and a unique code that identifies the transmitter is stored. To provide further security, data is encrypted before it is sent to us. Our water AMI devices will share information through the same system our power meters use, which uses the same encryption technology used by many Canadian financial institutions.