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Your po​​​wer service

For the last several months, we have been working to transition your neighborhood's power service to EPCOR. EPCOR Distribution and Transmission Inc. now owns and maintains the power lines in your area and the power meter(s) on your property.

What this means for you:

  • If you experience a power outage, EPCOR will now be the distribution company responding, making repairs and getting your power back on.
  • The power meter at your home or business was changed to an advanced meter.

  • EPCOR will now be the power distribution company sending your monthly meter reading to your chosen retailer. Your power bill will come from your chosen retailer.

Here's a little information about us and how we help keep your power on.

EPCOR Distribution and Transmission Inc.

We own, operate and maintain the power distribution and transmission services within the City of Edmonton. This includes:

  • 72 kV, 138 kV, 240 kV and 500 kV lines and cables, routing power through 31 transmission substations
  • 263 circuit kilometers of aerial transmission lines and underground transmission cables.
  • Aerial and underground distribution lines and related facilities including 5 distribution substations, 296 distribution feeders and approximately 6,302 circuit kilometres of primary distribution lines, and advanced metering infrastructure.
  • Distribute approximately 13% of Alberta's provincial electricity consumption to approximately 375,000 residential and 38,500 commercial and industrial end users.

​Contact Information

If you ever need to get ahold of us for a power outage or with questions about your power service call our Power Emergencies team.

Call (780) 412-4500


​Power o​utages

What to do durin​​g a power outage​

Power equipment safety

What to do in an emergency

​Power equipment maintenance

Learn more about power equipment

​Trees and power lines

Learn more about tree trimming

Renovations and your power service

Find out how to stay connected

​​Power outages

Welcome to EPCOR's power service territory​​​​​​

EPCOR works hard to minimize power outages, but they can be caused by weather conditions or when vehicles or debris comes into contact with our equipment. Sometimes power outages are also needed to upgrade and maintain infrastructure.

At EPCOR, we post outages according to the name of the Edmonton neighborhood where the outage is occurring. Outages for your area will now be listed under Edmonton South West and Edmonton South Central as designated to your area by the City of Edmonton.

If we are aware of an outage affecting your neighborhood, it will be listed when you call the Power Emergency team at 780-412-4500. If your outage is not listed or, you see or hear anything you believe to be related to your power outage, please call our Power Emergency team at
(780) 412-4500. ​

Outag​​​e tools

We are currently working to add your new neighborhoods to our outage map and make outage alerts available to your new neighborhoods.

In the Fall you will be able to get information about a power outage by:

  • Visiting​ to check our power outage map for the status of an outage in your neighborhood.
  • Signing up for power outage alerts
  • Calling our Power Emergency team at (780) 412-4500.

Learn why power outages occur, how you can be prepared and what we do to get the power back on as quickly and safely as possible.​​

Power equipment safety

The safety of our customers, crews and the general public is a top priority in everything we do at EPCOR.

A car could hit a power line or transformer. A person could strike a line while digging in their yard. A worker operating heavy machinery could come in contact with overhead lines. Each of these scenarios are electricity emergencies. If you find yourself in one of these situations, what you do next could mean the difference between life and death.

Learn more about what to do if you or someone you know comes in contact with a power line or other power equipment.

Power equipment maintenance

Learn about the different types of power equipment, their clearance requirements and what your responsibilities are as a property owner.

Trees and power lines

Every year, overgrown trees and other vegetation make contact with power lines. This contact creates a risk of electrical hazards including fires, electrical shock, and downed lines, which makes it a challenge to provide a safe and reliable service.

Learn more about our vegetation management program and how we can help you trim your trees safely.

Power meter

The power meter at your home of business is in the process of being changed to an advanced meter. ​Advanced meters encrypt the usage data and transmit the information directly to us. 

With the advanced metering system we don't need to access your property to read your power meter anymore, but meter readers may still need to access your home to read your water meter and for occasional maintenance and safety inspections.

Learn more about the benefits of advanced meters.

Renovations and your power service

Whether you're doing renovations or adding solar panels to your home, we want your service connection to be ready to go when your project needs it.

We've ​got all the information you need in one convenient place to streamline the process for you.​