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Low Impact Development (LID)

EPCOR is working to reduce the risk of flooding in Edmonton. Our plans include the use of green stormwater infrastructure, which includes Low Impact Development (LID) facilities that slow stormwater from entering the sewer system and reduces demands on the sewer infrastructure.

LID is a type of stormwater management facility that incorporates plants, engineered soils and natural processes to capture stormwater runoff close to its source. Stormwater enters the LID and flows into the engineered soil layer with the ability to capture, and filter stormwater. Specially selected plants then absorb the water or it evaporates. Any excess water that isn't used by the plants and soils drains into the stormwater system.

​The benefits of LID

  • LID helps reduce local flooding. In smaller rain events the amount of rain can be entirely absorbed by the plants and soil in the LID facility. In bigger storms, the LID facility slows the speed of the water entering the underground pipes which can help reduce the peak and control the flow reducing the flooding in our neighborhoods.
  • The soils and plants filter pollutants and stop them from entering the underground pipes. In neighborhoods with a combined sewer system, the frequency of untreated water being discharged into the river will be reduced.
  • They provide green spaces that can help our bees and wildlife.
  • Plants absorb pollution from the air and reduce the amount of heat that is reflected off the pavement.

EPCOR has identified five​​​ types of LID that will benefit our sewer system and environment:​

1. Bioretention gardens

Bioretention gardens look like a typical flower or shrub bed; however, these gardens have specially blended soils and a storage component to filter and hold water during and after a​ rainfall. These gardens work by allowing rain water to enter the garden and then be filtered by the soil and plants. ​

This process slows water from entering the stormwater system and helps mitigate localized flooding. Bioretention gardens have no pipes and are not connected to the stormwater system.​​​

2. Bioretention basins

Bioretention basins look like a typical flower or shrub bed, but underneath have specially blended soils and rock layers to hold water during and after a rainfall. These basins have their own inlet and a perforated pipe where water is collected, allowing rain water to enter the basin and be filtered by the soil before going to the stormwater system. ​

This process slows water from entering the stormwater system and helps mitigate localized flooding.​

3. Box planters

Box planters look similar to a traditional flower box, but have specially blended soils and rock layers, along with plants, to hold water during and after a rainfall. ​

This process slows water from entering the stormwater system and helps mitigate localized flooding. Box planters can look very different depending where they are installed but are typically used in urban areas.​​

4. Soil cells

Soil cells are plastic milk crate-like structures, that contain specially blended soils, designed to be installed beneath sidewalks and roads. Once the soil cells are installed, you often can’t tell they are there. These soil cells have their own inlet and a perforated pipe where water is collected, allowing rain water to enter the soil cells to encourage plant root growth to help hold water during and after a rainfall. ​

The water is then filtered by the soil before going to the stormwater system. This process slows water from entering the stormwater system and helps mitigate localized flooding. ​​

5. Absorbent landscaping

​Absorbent landscaping looks similar to grassed areas and can include other vegetation or trees. The landscaped area contains a surface inlet and outlet and may contain a small depression; the area is built with deeper topsoil, to hold water during and after a rainfall. ​

This process slows water from entering the stormwater system and helps mitigate localized flooding. Absorbent landscaped areas have no pipes and are not connected to the stormwater system.​​

Over the next few years, you will start to see more LID around Edmonton. If you would like to see LID in action, visit the Terwillegar or Meadows Recreation Centers or the alley space located at 10319 83 Avenue, locally known as "Back Street", where LID has been incorporated into the functionality, landscaping, and aesthetics at each location.

If you're interested in installing an LID on your own property, we suggest installing a rain garden. Rain Gardens provide you with more than beautiful landscaping. If you have experienced flooding on your property or want to help Edmonton adapt to climate change, rain gardens may be a good option. A rain garden, like all LID, helps to reduce the risk of property flooding and can add aesthetic value.

EPCOR has developed a number of tools and resources to help with installing LID: