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About the meters

  • Power meters are located outside.
  • Water meters are located inside and may have an external meter reading device on the interior of exterior of the property. If you have an external meter reading device, or touchpad, on the outside of your property, EPCOR will need to access your yard monthly to read the meter. The unit of measure for water meters is cubic meters (m3).

Water meters

Reading an 8-dial meter

  • Start with the number on the left.
  • Record the odometer style digits displayed on your water meter.

Reading a 6-dial meter

  • Start with the number on the left.
  • Record the odometer style digits displayed on your water meter, including the decimal digit.

Reading a 9-dial meter

  • Start with the number on the left.
  • Record the odometer style digits displayed on your water meter.

Power meters

Reading a Landis+Gyr advanced meter (100, 200 OR 400)

  • These meters have six displays that are cycled through. It takes about 35 seconds to go through the full cycle of displays.
  • Record the six-digit number that follows DEL (Delivered to your location); this is your total electricity consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh).

Note: If you're a micro-generation customer, the total amount of electricity you provide back into the grid is displayed in the six-digit number that follows REC (Received by the grid).

Reading a Landis+Gyr advanced meter (500 OR 700)

  • These meters have 10 displays that are cycled through. It takes about 35 seconds to go through the full cycle of displays.
  • Record the six-digit number that follows DEL (Delivered to your location), this is your total electricity consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh). The format of the numbers displayed will read DEL 888.888 kWh.
  • Your peak demand in kilovolt amps is displayed in the six-digit number that follows MXD (Max Demand to your location). The format of the numbers displayed will read MXD 888.888 kVA.

Note: If you're a micro-generation customer, the total amount of electricity you provide back into the grid is displayed in the six-digit number that follows REC (Received by the grid).

Reading a Landis+Gyr advanced meter (650 OR 750)

  • These meters have 10 displays that are cycled through. It takes about 35 seconds to go through the full cycle of displays.
  • Record the six-digit number that follows DEL (Delivered to your location), this is your total electricity consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh). The format of the numbers displayed will read DEL 8888.88 kWh.
  • Your peak demand in Watts is displayed in the six-digit number that follows MXD (Max Demand to your location). The format of the numbers displayed will read MXD 8888.88 W.

Note: If you're a micro-generation customer, the total amount of electricity you provide back into the grid is displayed in the six-digit number that follows REC (Received by the grid).

Reading a GE 1-210 digital meter

  • This meter has two readings displayed.
  • Record the five-digit number on the top of your display (this is your total electricity consumption)

Note: The three-digit number on the bottom is the amount of electricity currently being used.

Reading an Itron digital meter

  • A digital meter has two displays — 88888 and your power reading.
  • The reading changes every six seconds.
  • Record the numbers shown after you see 88888.

Reading a 5-dial meter

  • Start with the dial on the left.
  • Record the number the needle points to.
  • If the needle falls between numbers, choose the lower number, except if the needle falls between zero and nine, then choose nine.

Reading a 4-dial meter

  • Start with the dial on the left.
  • Record the number that the needle points to.
  • If the needle falls between numbers, choose the lower number, except if the needle falls between zero and nine, then choose nine.

Submit your meter reading

Once you identify the type of meter you have, submit your reading for:

Your gas meter can help you understand your gas usage patterns and increase energy efficiency in your home or business. Your gas reading determines the amount you are charged every month on your bill. You can read the meter yourself to verify your bill and monitor your gas use.

Read your meter

Meters with digital displays

Most of the gas meters in our system have indexes with digital counters (shown below). To read these meters, simply record the numbers as they appear from left to right. These numbers count the units of gas that are being used, usually in hundreds of cubic feet (ccf).


Meters with analog displays

These meters normally have 4 dials in a horizontal line. Occasionally, they will have more or fewer dials, but the process of reading the meter is the same. The hands on dials 1 and 3 move counter-clockwise and the hands on dials 2 and 4 move clockwise. The hands on all the dials move from 0 toward the number 9. 

To read your meter accurately, keep the following rules in mind:

  • Starting on dial 1, write down the last number the hand has passed.
  • Do the same for each dial until you've written them all down.
  • When the pointer appears to be on or near a number, read it exactly as that number if the pointer of the dial on the immediate right is near 1 or 2. 
  • Read it as the lower number if the pointer of the dial on the immediate right is near 8 or 9.

Watch our tutorial

Visit our youtube to view this video fullscreen. 

Access to your gas meter

Your natural gas bill is based on your monthly gas consumption. Typically, we read your natural gas meter on a monthly basis. To help ensure we bill you accurately, please make sure there is a clear, accessible and safe pathway to your meter outside your home or business.