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The fees support all sanitary and stormwater management services, flood mitigation, neighbourhood renewal and activities to protect the environment, such as biosolids disposal. (Biosolids are the by-product of the municipal wastewater treatment process.)
The sanitary charges are designed to recover the costs associated with planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining the pipes and facilities required for the collection and the transfer of wastewater from the places where we eat, work, play and visit to the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The fee is for the collection, quality enhancement and disposal of stormwater that runs off our streets and properties into the sewer system. It includes construction and maintenance of storm sewers, as well as other stormwater management/quality enhancement facilities.
The rate was set to ensure that the drainage system can maintain services and infrastructure as well as meet its financial obligations in the future.
Everyone will pay the same variable rate, while the fixed rate is based on the water meter size.
No, GST is not charged on drainage fees.
City Council as regulator of EPCOR Drainage Services approved a yearly 3% rate increase through the PBR process for 2018-2022.
Significant portions of the increases to sanitary and stormwater fees go toward expansion of capital programs, increased operational expenses and help ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the utilities.
The fee is based on a fixed rate that is tied to the size of water meter and a uniform variable rate per cubic meter of water consumed. The rates are applied consistently to all residential and non-residential customers.
It is estimated that a typical residential Edmonton household used 15.40 cubic metres (15,400 litres) of water per month during the year 2017.
Since the water still entered the sewer system, and therefore needed to be collected and conveyed to the wastewater treatment plant, no credits will be given.
This is done by EPCOR Water Services Inc. (EWSI). EWSI has a commercial meter inspector who is responsible for determining meter sizes based on site inspections and water demand analysis. A meter size that is too small for the amount of water required will result in insufficient water pressure to meet customer needs.
The size of a water meter is dependent on the size of the water lines at the location. Customers may have reduced water flow if they change to a smaller meter. Inspections may also be required before a smaller meter is approved. If you are interested in a meter change, you should call EPCOR at 780-412-6868.
Stormwater refers to rain water, snowmelt or excess water from lawn watering that flows off streets and lots. The storm sewer system collects stormwater and disposes it into stormwater lakes, creeks, or the North Saskatchewan River.
The stormwater utility was approved by City Council on July 2, 2002 and took effect January 1, 2003.
The fee is for the collection, quality enhancement and disposal of stormwater that runs off our streets and properties into the sewer system. It includes construction and maintenance of storm sewers, as well as other stormwater management/quality enhancement facilities.
Yes, the utility collects a fee from all customers who benefit from the system. This is to ensure the system is fair and equitable to everyone.
Not anymore. The stormwater utility replaces paying for the system through property taxes.
Stormwater is considered a utility because it provides a base service and benefit to customers. The charge is for the base service, just like there is a basic or flat service fee each month for the use of the sanitary sewer.
In both Canada and the U.S., other municipalities have implemented stormwater utility.
No. It appears on your EPCOR bill each month.
Stormwater Utility Charges
Stormwater charges are calculated using property size (A), development intensity (I), and a runoff coefficient (R), based on land zoning and a city-wide monthly rate.
The charges are calculated as follows:
A x I x R x Rate = Stormwater utility charge
A: The area of the property in square metres (m2), and the proportion of the building lot area attributable to each unit for multiple units sharing a single building or property.
I: The measure of the portion of lot being used for its intended development. The development intensity factor of 1.0, except for properties where owners demonstrate that they contribute significantly less stormwater runoff per property area to the City's land drainage system during rainfalls than other similarly-zoned properties.
R: Runoff coefficient—the permeability of your lot's surface (i.e. grass versus concrete), based on land zoning.
Rate: The monthly charge of $0.070139 per square metres (m2).
Call 780-412-4500 for more information.
Yes, all customers pay the same base rate (as approved by Council). However, the monthly fee may vary depending on the size of the lot, the land zoning type of the property and the development intensity.
Development intensity is the measure of the portion of lot being used for its intended development. The development intensity is typically 1 for residential customers. For commercial and industrial properties reduced development intensity may apply.
Your neighbour's lot may be smaller. The charge is not based on the value of a property but the size of the lot, the land zoning type of the property and development intensity.
No, GST is not charged on drainage fees.
No. There is no rebate or credit program for capturing and containing stormwater in rain barrels or through absorbent landscaping.
Developed residential properties are considered fully utilized for their intended land use. Residential properties receive a fair runoff coefficient through a residential land use zone.
Yes. There is a credit program for non-residential customers who have largely undeveloped properties, on-site stormwater management systems, or properties draining directly into the North Saskatchewan River.
Only the development intensity factor can be appealed. Customers who have applied for a credit program to reduce their utility bill, but cannot reach an agreement with us on their property's development intensity, can appeal. For more information on appeals, call 780-412-4500.
Please call us at 310-4300.