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EPCOR offers the following services for multi-residential, commercial, institutional and industrial clients. 

Water Tan​​ks

If there is a water outage on private property from a private water system leak, EPCOR can provide a water tank trailer so residents can fill up water jugs from the water tank until the outage is over. 

Temporary Wat​er Hook-up

If there is a water outage on private property from a private water system leak, EPCOR can provide a temporary water hook-up with hoses from a hydrant to a building to provide temporary water service while repairs are underway. This service is available for critical properties where water service is essential, such as medical facilities or seniors’ complexes, or where it might be difficult for people to access a water tank. This may also be used for properties with a large number of impacted units, like larger condo buildings.

For planned temporary water hook-ups, please contact us​ ​at least three weeks before the planned water outage to make sure we have resources available.  


EPCOR operates a meter test bench to confirm accuracy of water meters. We also can test meters for companies in Edmonton that use a non-EPCOR meter for their own industrial processes.

Private Property Repairs

EPCOR offers private property hydrant repairs, water service repairs for leaks, valve repairs, and leak detection. For more information to see if you qualify for any of these services and to confirm availability, please contact us at


If you have any questions about our commercial services or require any of the services listed on this page, email

For emergencies, visit the Water Outages page​ for more information.