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Our Regulators

Environment and Protected Areas, under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), is responsible for regulating drinking water systems in Alberta that treat raw river or groundwater and distribute to customers. We follow strict regulations to ensure monitoring and water quality provisions are in place at all of our water treatment facilities.

Under the EPEA, EPCOR is required to apply for renewal of our existing approval every 10 years, or whenever we make substantial operational changes to our waterworks system. Renewing our approval to operate is an important part of our commitment to excellence. The renewal process helps to ensure our testing parameters continue to be at the highest level and it allows us to continue engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way to discuss how we operate our water system.

Edmonton Waterworks System

In the Edmonton waterworks system, raw water is drawn from the North Saskatchewan River. It is then treated at the Rossdale (9469 Rossdale Road) and E.L. Smith (3900 E.L. Smith Road) water treatment plants in Edmonton.

Our drinking water meets or exceeds all of the requirements set by provincial standards and Health Canada's Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. EPCOR's water quality assurance laboratory tests and adjusts for hundreds of​ parameters so that we can provide you with the best drinking water for safety, colour, smell and taste.

The two water treatment plants' onsite reservoirs and high lift pump stations supply potable water into Edmonton's transmission system's piping network primary zone.

The high lift pump stations are supported by:

    • 12 reservoir and pump station sites;
    • Eight booster stations which supply a network of transmission and distribution pipes into the entire Edmonton area; and,
    • Eight supply points to regional water customers in the surrounding communities.

More information about our water treatment plants

Questions? Contact us.

  (780) 412-3599