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When to contact ​us for a new EPCOR connection in Edmonton

  • Commercial and multi-family development
  • Single family and duplex development
  • New builds, renovations and infill
  • Renovating and upgrading existing utility systems​​​

 Wate​r and drainage process

​Looking to connect a new or upgraded water or drainage service line to the EPCOR​ main line? Here​'s what you need to know to get started.​​

For new builds and renovations

 New builds and renovations

1. Complete the online application form

This will help us estimate the costs involved in connecting your new or upgraded service. You will need to provide the following with your application:

You may also wish to include the following:

  • Utility Right of Way documents
  • Restrictive Covenants documents
  • Land Administration agreements 

2. Review and ​​estimate 

During this stage we will:

  • Appoint an EPCOR representative to be your main contact
  • Provide you with your project's tracking number
  • Provide approval or recommend changes to your site plan
  • Prepare and send you a cost estimate for your review

3. Approve the e​stimate

During this stage, you will:

  • ​Send your payment by EFT

4. Schedule construction 

During this stage, we will send you a notification email with this information:

  • Notify you that construction is being planned
  • Notify you that construction is scheduled
  • Provide a milestone notification (actions to complete prior to construction)

During this stage, you will:  

  • Notify EPCOR if the scheduled construction date does not work for you
  • Complete actions listed in the milestone email
  • Ensure that all site preparation is complete

6. Construction is ​​underway

(Typically takes 3​ - 5 days)

  • During construction, please do not schedule work that may interfere with EPCOR's construction to ensure quicker completion.

7. Construction is comple​te

  • Restoration work will be completed within 2 - 4 weeks. Please ensure access to th​e site is maintained.
  • EPCOR will reconcile the construction costs within 30 days and provide a final invoice.​​

 Power ​proces​​s​

Connecting a new or upgraded electrical service to the electricity grid is a multi-phase process. Here's what you need to know to get started.​​​​​

For new builds and renovations

 New builds and renovations

Looking to connect a new or upgraded electrical service to the electricity grid? Here's what you need to know to get started.

1. Complete the online application form

(at least 4 months prior to your desired energization date)

This will help us estimate the costs involved in connecting your new or upgraded service to the electrical grid. You will need to provide the following with your application:

2. Quote and preliminary design

(up to 4 week​​s)

During this stage we will:

  • Appoint an EPCOR representative to be your main contact.
  • Provide you with your project's tracking number.
    Note: If you haven't already submitted them, we may request detailed electrical, mechanical, architectural and landscaping plans.
  • Your EPCOR representative may ask to meet you on site to review your plans.
  • Inform you of the Service Entry Point for your project (the point where EPCOR's infrastructure meets your property line).
  • Provide approval or recommend changes to your electrical site plan.
  • Prepare and send you a preliminary design and cost estimate for your review.
  • If you're applying for a primary metered service, your EPCOR representative will inform you of the process and timelines.

3. Approve the quote

During this stage, you will:

  • Send us your signed acceptance and payment (if required) so we can start the detailed design.
  • Apply to the City of Edmonton for an electrical service permit.

4. Detailed design

(typically up to 4 w​​eeks, not including external approvals)

During this stage, you will:

  • Provide us an electronic copy of your City of Edmonton electrical permit. Once we have this information, the Site ID for your project will be created and you can apply for a power service with your chosen electricity retailer.
  • Be responsible for all civil work on private property, including obtaining any required permits, approvals and utility locates.
  • Keep us informed of any changes to your desired energization date.

During this stage, we will:

  • Finalize design details, order materials and seek the necessary external approvals for work on City of Edmonton property (Utility Line Assignments, etc.).
  • If your project requires more detailed design or approvals, we will keep you informed of our progress and potential delays to your project's desired energization date (i.e. delivery of materials, external approvals, etc.).

5. Schedule construction

  • For residential service upgrades only, EPCOR will supply 30m of cable, coiled at the Service Entry Point. After you complete the installation on private property and pass your electrical service inspection, skip to step 7.

During this stage, you will:   

  • Provide us an electronic copy of your passed final City of Edmonton electrical service inspection report.
  • Ensure your site is ready for energization (see site inspection form for more information).
  • Keep us informed of any changes to your desired energization date.
  • Contact your chosen energy retailer to apply for power service.

During this stage, we will:

  • Perform a site ready check to confirm completion of work and assess the site to make sure our crews are able to access the necessary electrical equipment.
  • After your site is deemed ready, your project will be scheduled for completion and we will strive to energize your site within 6 weeks.
  • Assess impacts to other customers in the area and arrange for any outages, if necessary.

6. Site is energized

(typically​​ takes 3-5 days)

  • Your retailer of choice notifies EPCOR to energize your electricity meter.
  • We install the meter and start delivering power to your site.​

For land development

 La​nd development

EPCOR installs the distribution infrastructure that provides electrical service to lots that are being subdivided from a parcel of land.

Developer projects are initiated through the City of Edmonton's ePlan. EPCOR is made aware of these projects through the City's circular review. At this time, EPCOR creates an initial work request and starts the review of the engineering set. Here are the next steps:

1. Detail Design

During this stage, you will:

  • Provide us with your Test Report and Record Drawing. Once we have this information, we can schedule your energization. Note that EPCOR cannot proceed with energization until we receive these two items.
  • Ensure your site is ready for energization (see site inspection form for more information).
  • Keep us informed of any changes to your desired energization date.

During this stage, we will:

  • Perform a site ready inspection to confirm completion of work and assess the site to make sure our crews are able to access the necessary electrical equipment.
  • After your site is deemed ready, your project will be scheduled for completion and we will strive to energize your site within 6 weeks.
  • Assess impacts to other customers in the area and arrange for any outages, if necessary.
  • Send you an email from an EPCOR Project Manager inviting you to view your project on EPCOR Customer Web Portal using a unique work request number.

2.  EPCOR Energization

Energization Target Date

Once we receive and approve your Test Reports and As-Built Submissions, you are energization ready. We aim for energization within 6 weeks of you being Energization Ready. This means that you have:

    • Passed your test reports
    • Provided us with all necessary documentation (i.e. Record Drawing, test reports)
    • Ensured your site splice pits are open and easily accessible/ready for EPCOR crews and equipment by this date. If accessibility is going to be an issue, please contact your EPCOR Project Manager.

Energization Scheduled Date 

This is the date that your energization is confirmed for. Variations in date from the above can be due to the site not being ready, inclement weather, an emergency situation, or crew availability. If accessibility is going to be an issue, please contact your EPCOR Project Manager

Energization Completed

The energization to your site is complete. You can now apply for the Construction Completion Certificate (CCC). Please contact the City of Edmonton Development Coordination Group. If you need help applying for EPCOR rebates, please contact your EPCOR Project Manager.

3. Certificates and Rebates

Construction Completion Certificate (CCC) Requested

Submit your CCC request to the City of Edmonton Development Coordination Group. EPCOR will review your CCC Request from the City of Edmonton.

Construction Completion Certificate (CCC) Review Completed

Once EPCOR has finished reviewing your CCC, your next step is to request your Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) from the City of Edmonton eServices.  You will have to do this after one year from the CCC review completion date. If you need help applying for rebates, please contact your EPCOR Project Manager.

Rebate Requested

Your rebate has been requested. Your next step is to request your Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) from the City of Edmonton eServices.  You will have to do this after one year from the CCC review completion date.

Rebate paid

Once your rebate has been paid, you can now request your Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) from the City of Edmonton eServices.  You will have to do this after one year from the CCC review completion date.

Final Acceptance Certification (FAC) Requested

EPCOR will review your Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) Request from the City of Edmonton.

Final Acceptance Certification (FAC) Review Completed

EPCOR finishes the review of your Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC). The project is now closed.  ​​

Did you know that you​ can track your project ​status online?

Find out how​​

Have que​​st​​​​ions? Contact

Water and drainage​
(780) 496-5444​

(780) 412-3128​​​​​​

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