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​​ Public engagement framework: How w​e eng​​age with the community

We want to ensure we are engaging with you on topics that matter to you, using methods that work for you. In response to what we have heard, we have drafted a public engagement framework that outlines EPCOR's commitment to the public according to the level of influence community members can have over the project outcome. It shows the different levels of public engagement, and describes how EPCOR will get feedback from, or work with, the community, special interest groups, Indigenous peoples and recreational users on a range of projects and initiatives at the water treatment plants. For example, the creation of these Shared Outcomes and Design Principles for our Edmonton water treatment plants sits at the "Create" level of public engagement. We are asking you to collaborate with us to develop guidelines to direct future work at the water treatment plants. 

We operate in five stages of engagement with our commitments for each stage outlined below. Communication will be an important component throughout all levels of engagement though some stages may require more than others. View our full public engagement framework


EPCOR's Commitment

We will keep you informed. We will respond in a timely manner and resolve issues. We will ensure the safety of residents through the dissemination of information about possible danger and emergency response procedures. We will inform the community about activities at the site that have impacts on traffic, noise, etc.

EPCOR'S Commitment

We will listen to and acknowledge concerns and aspirations and share how public input (if received) influenced the decision.


EPCOR's Commitment

We will work directly with you throughout the process to ensure your feedback is understood and considered. We will ensure that your feedback is directly reflected in the alternatives developed and share how the public input influenced the decision.

EPCOR's Commitment

We will partner with you in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and identification of the preferred solution. We will look to you for advice and information in formulating solutions and incorporate your advice into the decisions to the maximum extent possible.


EPCOR's Commitment

We will place final decision making in your hands. We will implement what you decide.