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240 kV transmission line

​​​A new 240 kV double circuit above ground transmission line is being proposed to reinforce the electrical transmission system. We have identified a few possible route options to get from an existing AltaLink owned transmission line to the proposed new substation site located in Edmonton’s Industrial Heights area. Although there are multiple options shown, only one route will be built. 

​We need your input to find the best route.​

Route options​​​

A new double circuit 240 kV transmission line is being planned to reinforce the electrical transmission system in northeast Edmonton. We are trying to determine the best route from an existing transmission line to a planned new substation located west of 62 Street and 125 Avenue. After careful consideration, we have narrowed down the above ground transmission line route options and developed an underground route option. An underground route option was developed due to potential technical challenges with the above ground options. We are seeking input on these route options as we continue to assess and compare the routes based on constructability, social, economic and environmental considerations. 

Above ground transmission line options 

The above ground transmission line route options are shown in purple. There are multiple paths we could take to get from the existing transmission line to the planned new substation. These are shown in four segments on the Route Map: N1, N2, S1 and S2. Combinations could include: 

  • ​S1 to S2 
  • N1 to N2 
  • S1 to N2 
  • N1 to S2

This will be a double circuit transmission line, which means there are two transmission lines using mostly one set of structures. The structures will have six transmission wires (three on each side), one or two shield/fibre optic wires strung on top and one wire below the transmission wires. Structures would be installed along the route using drills, excavators and other equipment. A crane would be used to attach the wires in stages to reduce impacts to roadways. Two main structures would be used for an above ground transmission line: Structure A and Structure B (shown below). These are steel monopole structures ranging in height from 36 to 46 metres.​

​​Underground route option 

The underground route option follows the north side of Yellowhead Trail as shown in orange. The underground transmission line would require the construction of a duct bank approximately 1.5 metres wide and 1.2 metres deep. A duct bank is an underground concrete container that protects power cables from getting damaged. This would be installed approximately 1-2 metres deep with utility access points constructed along the route for maintenance and repairs. The installation of the duct bank would involve open cut trench excavation for most of the route and a trenchless method would be used for major road and railway crossings.​​


A right-of-way is the area we need to safely operate and maintain our power lines. EPCOR manages the right-of-way for above ground power lines to prevent objects from contacting the wires, this includes trees and other vegetation. Our tree maintenance program monitors vegetation in the right-of-way and ensures that trimming is completed when required. In some situations, this could extend outside of the right-of-way. ​​

The right-of-way for an above ground 240 kV transmission line would vary based on the structure type. Structure type A would require a 28 metre right-of-way (14 metres on each side of the structures). Structure type B would be used in areas where there is limited space and requires a 20 metre right-of-way (10 metres on each side of the structures). The right-of-way for an underground 240 kV transmission line would be 10 metres. 

A right-of-way for underground transmission lines ensures access for maintenance and keeps the area clear to prevent damage to the duct bank. Areas where the right-of-way overlaps with private property will require an easement between EPCOR and the property owner. You will be contacted directly if your property overlaps with the right-of-way. There are no development restrictions outside of the right-of-way. ​


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