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What to expec​t during​​ a home power service project

Every ye​​ar, EPCOR helps to upgrade the power connection for existing homes and new infill homes around Edmonton. In neighbourhoods with underground power lines this work is more complicated as it can involve excavation and directional drilling to upgrade the power cable between the home and the nearby power transformer. Sometimes, we may even take the opportunity to increase the reliability in your neighbourhood and upgrade the power transformer at the same time. 

Here’s a l​ittle bit about what you can expect during this time.


You can ex​​pect to see activity that is typical to construction, including company vehicles and equipment.

Hours of ​​O​​peration

We anticipa​te our hours of work for this project to be Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; however, occasional evening and weekend work may be required.

Construc​​ti​​on Noise

Work on the pow​​er system upgrade will create typical noise associated with construction. We will take measures to ensure we comply with the City of Edmonton's Community Standards Bylaw for Noise Control. If it's necessary to temporarily exceed acceptable noise levels, we will work with the City of Edmonton to receive the necessary permits.

Road C​​​​losures

Some temporary road cl​osures are possible. There may also be times where we need to temporarily block access to your driveway or alleyway. We will try and provide you as much notice as possible.

Ground Distu​r​bance

Landscaping, pavement, and sidewalk blocks may be removed as necessary for construction. We will restore areas impacted by the construction activity when completed.

All work areas will be safe and secure. The construction activities will be in accordance with the City of Edmonton bylaws, occupational health and safety requirements, as well as EPCOR's health, safety and environmental procedures and guidelines.

Power​​​​ Su​​​pply

There may be tempo​​rary outages if we need to install new transformers or if power cables need to be energized. We will do our best to minimize the outages while working in your area and will make every effort to provide you notice prior to any planned outage over three hours.​​