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​There are many ways power lines may be arranged on your property. ​As a property owner, you should be aware of what parts you are responsible for. Here are the most common configurations and a property owner’s responsibilities for each. 

The first step in identifying what you are responsible for is taking a look around outside your home and determine if you live in a neigbourhood served by underground power cables (green transformers on your or your neighbour’s lawn) or overhead power lines (power poles). 

Underground power lines to your home 

If your home is served by underground power lines, then you are responsible for underground power cables and the meter box components on your property.

EPCOR is responsible for the power meter and the service line from the transformer to the property line.

As the property owner, you are responsible for any underground utility service cables that run from your property line up to and including your power meter socket. These lines, would have been installed by the builder or developer when your property was built.​

​Homeowners are responsible for the underground power line from the property line to the power meter, as well as the conduit and the wire within, and the meter box components. EPCOR is responsible for the power meter and the service line from the transformer to the property line.

​Overhead power lines to your home

If your home is served by overhead power lines, generally, you are responsible for the weather head (hook-shaped tube near the roof), conduit and the wire within, and the meter box components. 

EPCOR is responsible for the aerial service line up to the weather head and the power meter. 

You are also responsible for any underground lines that may connect your detached garage to your home. These lines likely would have been installed by the builder or developer when your property was built.

There are three common overhead power line configurations, with the main difference being if the power is connected to your home or your garage: ​

1. Overhead service line – a direct connec​tion to the house.​

​​​Homeowners are responsible for the weather head, conduit and the wire within, and the meter box components. EPCOR is responsible for the aerial service line and the power meter.

2. ​Overhead service line, home connection with underground line running to the garage. ​

​Homeowners are responsible for the weather head, conduit and the wire within, and the meter box components. EPCOR is responsible for the aerial service line and the power meter.

3. Overhead service line, garage connection with underground line running to the house.

​Homeowners are responsible for the weather head, conduit and the wire within, and the meter box components. EPCOR is responsible for the aerial service line and the power meter.​

​Renovations and service upgrades

If you are thinking of making additions to your electrical panel or upgrading your power service, we recommend you speak with a qualified electrician. For a list of qualified electricians, visit the Electrical Contractors Association of Albert​a​.