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In your kitchen

Below are some conservation tips for one of the busiest rooms in the house.

At the sink

  • Conserve water when you hand-wash dishes by partially filling the sink with soapy water and quickly rinsing dishes with a spray device or in a pan of warm water.
  • Clean your vegetables in a partially-filled sink rather than under a continuously running tap.
  • Steaming vegetables uses less water than boiling and conserves more of your vegetables' nutrients.
  • Keep drinking water in the fridge rather than running tap water to get it cold.
  • Install an aerator attachment on your taps to use up to 25% less water.

Tin it, then bin it

  • Don't dispose of solvents, chemicals, cleaners or cooking fat by pouring them down your drain; they can harm both the environment and your drainage system. Learn more about protecting your pipes.

Drip, drop, stop

  • Regularly check your faucets, pipes, taps and hoses for leaks and drips. Your local hardware store can help you fix most minor household plumbing issues.


  • Water-efficient dishwashers use less water and less energy to heat the water than standard models.
  • Use full loads to save water and energy.
  • Use the shortest wash cycle for your load size.