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Tiered Prices

Tier 1: 10.3¢/kWh – for the first 750 kWh consumed per month

Tier 2: 12.5​¢/kWh – for electricity used above 750 kWh per month​

General Service <50 kW Rates
General Service <50 kW Rates Included in Price
Service Charge
Delivery $26.04
Smart Meter Entity Charge Delivery $0.42
Distribution Volumetric Rate (per kWh) Delivery $0.0173
Low Voltage Service Rate (per kWh) Delivery $0.0034
Transmission Network Service Rate (per kWh*) Delivery $0.0092
Transmission Connection Service Rate (per kWh*)
D​elivery $0.0059
​Rate Rider - General Variance/Deferral Accounts (per kWh)

​​Rate Rider - Capacity Based Recovery (per kWh)
​​Rate Rider - Global Adjustment Account (per kWh)
​Rate Rider - Group 2 Variance/Deferral Accounts
​Rate Rider - Lost Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (per kWh)
Wholesale Market Service Rate (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0041
Capacity Based Recovery - Class B Customers (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0004
Rural Rate Protection Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0014​

Standard Service Supply Admin Charge (per month) Regulatory $0.25 ​​​

General Service >50kW (Interval and Non-interval) Rates
General Service >50 kW
(Interval and Non-Interval) Rates
Included in Price
Service Charge
Delivery $115.53
​Mist Meter Deferral Account
Distribution Volumetric Rate (per kW) Delivery $4.5348
Low Voltage Service Rate (per kW) Delivery $1.3717
Transmission Network Service Rate (per kW*)
Delivery $3.6134
Transmission Connection Service Rate (per kW*)
Delivery $2.5131
Rate Rider - General Variance/Deferral (per kW)
​Rate Rider - Capacity Based Recovery Class B (per kW)
​Rate Rider - General Variance/Deferral Non Wholesale Market (per kW)
​​Rate Rider - Global Adjustment Non RPP Class B (per kWh)
​Rate Rider - Group 2 Variance/Deferral Accounts (per kW)
​Rate Rider - Lost Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (per kW)
Wholesale Market Service Rate (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0041
Capacity Based Recovery Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0004
Rural Rate Protection Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0014

Standard Service Supply Admin Charge (per month)

Regulatory $0.25

Energy Charge - Retailer Rates:

Prices as per customer contract with energy retailer + global adjustment for month Note: Standard supply service customers that are annually billed > 250,000 kWh, their energy rate may be charged at weighted average hourly spot market price.​​​​​

Street Lighting
 Street Lighting Included in Price
Service Charge (per connection)
Delivery $1.87
Distribution Volumetric Rate (per kW) Delivery $7.8244
Low Voltage Service Rate (per kW) Delivery $1.0604
Transmission Network Service Rate (per kW*) Delivery $2.7251
Transmission Connection Service Rate (per kW*​)
Delivery $1.9427
Rate Rider - General Variance/Deferral (per kW)
​​Rate Rider - Capacity Based Recovery Class B (per kW)
​Rate Rider - Global Adjustment Non RPP Class B (per kWh)
​Rate Rider - Group 2 Variance/Deferral Accounts
​​Rate Rider - Lost Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (per kW​​)​
Wholesale Market Service Rate (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0041
Capacity Based Recovery Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0004
Rural Rate Protection Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0014
Standard Service Supply Admin Charge (per month) Regulatory $0.25​​​

Un-metered, Scattered Loads
Un-Metered, Scattered Loads Included in Price
Service Charge
Delivery $0.77
Distribution Volumetric Rate (per kWh) Delivery $0.0183
Low Voltage Service Rate (per kWh) Delivery $0.0034
Transmission Network Service Rate (per kWh*) Delivery $0.0095
Transmission Connection Service Rate (per kWh*)
Delivery $0.0059
​Rate Rider - General Variance/Deferral (per kWh)
​Rate Rider - Capacity Based Recovery Class B (per kWh)
​Rate Rider - Global Adjustment Non RPP Class B (per kWh)
​Rate Rider - Group 2 Variance/Deferral Accounts
​Rate Rider - Lost Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (per kWh)
Wholesale Market Service Rate (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0041
Capacity Based Recovery Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0004
Rural Rate Protection Charge (per kWh*) Regulatory $0.0014
Standard Service Supply Admin Charge (per month) Regulatory $0.25

MicroFIT Generator Service Classification
MicroFIT Generator Service Classification
Included inPrice
Distribution Fixed Charge
​Transformer Allowance for Ownership (per kWh of billing demand/month)
​Primary Metering Allowance for Transformer Losses (measured demand)

*Denotes charge that is applied loss adjusted consumption (volume). All other kWh charges use metered consumption.​

Line Loss Adjustment: It is normal for a small amount of power to be lost as it travels over our power lines to your home or business. In calculating your electricity costs for the billing period, we multiply your electricity cost by an adjustment factor that accounts for those losses. We do this using an adjustment factor that is approved by the Ontario Energy Board. The charges for losses are included on the Delivery line of your bill.