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Connecting you and your energy usage ​with Green Button

Green Button​ is a data standard that provides energy customers with more choice in how they access their electricity and natural gas data. With a simple and secure process, customers will be able to securely download or connect (share) their energy usage data in an industry-standard format with registered third parties.​

​With the introduction of the new Green Button Standard, ​Ontario families and businesses have more control over their electricity and natural gas bills by providing access to their data with the goal of better tracking energy use, reducing bills, and saving money.

​On November 1, 2021, the Ontario Ministry of Energy announced that electric and natural gas utilities across the province must provide their customers with access to Green Button data no later than November 1, 2023. Read the full news release.​​​

​Be​nefits of Green Button data

 Improve energy efficiency​

Consumers can use Green Button data to identify and compare their energy usage in order to improve energy efficiency within their home or business.

 ​Reduce energy costs

By learning their usage patterns and habits, consumers can make informed choices about how much energy they use and when they use it. When consumers use energy during off-peak hours (also known as peak-shaving) and invest in energy-efficient appliances, it saves money and can help reduce strain on the grid.

 ​Energy conservation

Consumers can use their data to conserve energy to help reduce their carbon footprint and protect the environment. Green button tools to understand large volumes of energy data will help pave the way for future innovations in the energy sector.

 ​Secure access

​With Green Button standards, consumers can rest assured that their data and private information is secure. Utilities must go through a strict testing and certification process to become Green Button standard-compliant.​

​Consumer ​FAQs​​​

What are the benefits of Green Button data for consumers?
Green Button provides a unified, industry-standard data format, which can be used to analyze and manage a consumer’s energy usage. The introduction of Green Button industry-standard data across Ontario utilities will provide the foundation for the development of new tools and applications for customers to analyze and monitor their energy usage to reduce costs. 

Green Button Data for Residential Customers:

  • Many customers are already viewing their energy data through a customer portal on their utility website. With Green Button, third party apps can analyze the data and provide insights to help customers make sense of their energy use and make informed decisions to help reduce costs
  • With CMD, data is shared on an ongoing basis. This allows third parties to provide insights and alerts on usage trends and changes

Green Button Data for Businesses:

  • For customers with a large number of properties across multiple utilities, Green Button provides a standardized format so that the data they receive from each utility is in a similar format. Green Button third parties in the commercial sector are able to analyze large volumes of data across multiple facilities to provide energy management advice
  • With CMD, data is shared on an ongoing basis. This allows third parties to provide insights and alerts on usage trends and changes including monitoring the impact of energy efficiency measures taken
  • Green Button will also make it easier for facilities to complete mandatory government reporting requirements
What format will my data be downloaded in?
​When you download your data, it will be in an industry-standard XML format. Please note that XML files are designed to be read and analyzed by computer applications, not humans.
Once I have downloaded my data, what can I do with it?
 When you download your data, you may choose to send it to a third-party vendor yourself or upload it to an application to analyze. As Green Button data becomes widely available across Ontario, more third-party solutions and applications will be developed and made available to analyze the data.​
Can I stop sharing my data with a third-party vendor?

Yes, you can stop sharing your data ​at any time. To do so, simply go to the Data Shares tab within the Green Button Portal select the vendor you would like to stop sharing your data with, and click Revoke.​​

What data is shared with third-party vendors?
When authorizing a third-party vendor to access your data, you will select the type of data you want to share with them and for which account (if you have multiple accounts). You c​an select your Energy Usage Data, Billing Data and/or Account Information to be shared. EPCOR will share the type of data you have selected and authorized for that account.

Usage Data
Historical usages up to a maximum of 2 years and/or ongoing meter readings of your meters, which may include hourly interval, demand, net metering and water (if applicable) readings. Energy usage data includes:
  • Historical usages up to a maximum of 2 years and/or ongoing meter readings of your meters
  • hourly interval data
  • Net metering data
Account Information
Your name, address(es), meter number(s), contact information and other personally identifiable information stored by EPCOR. Account information includes:
  • Customer Name
  • Service address
  • Mailing address
  • Account number
  • Meter number
  • Customer rate class
  • Contact information
Utility Bill Data
Billing periods and individual charges, adjustments and credit lines items from your utility bill. Billing data includes:
  • Billing periods
  • Energy charges and adjustments
Who can connect (share) their data?
​Any active EPCOR customer can use Connect My Data to authorize third-party data sharing. 
How do I connect (share) my data?
Sharing your data starts on the third-party vendor's website:​
  • Go to the authorized third-party vendor's Green Button registration web page
  • Complete the third-party vendor data sharing authorization request form
  • You will be redirected to EPCOR's Green Button portal to authenticate, verify the data sharing information, review the terms and conditions, and authorize data sharing
  • EPCOR will then exchange a security token with the authorized third-party vendor which will allow secure, automated data sharing
How long will my data be shared with an authorized third-party vendor?
When authorizing a third-party vendor to access your data, you select the duration and frequency that you would like to share your data for. ​
How do I know my data is secure?
EPCOR Utilities has been certified by the Green Button Alliance. This is the industry standard to ensure compliance with data sharing and security standards.
Where can I find more information on Green Button Data?

Vendor FAQs​​​​

How long does a third-party vendor have access to customer data?
The customer selects the duration for which the data will be shared with an authorized third-party vendor, along with the frequency that the data will be shared. The customer can revoke access at any time.​
Can a vendor submit an authorization form on behalf of a customer to access their data?
​Customers are required to make their own authorizations online through one of the authorization methods. The customer must also authenticate with the utility before the security token can be exchanged with the utility and data can be shared.​
Where can I find more information on Green Button data?