Get a rebate of $0.40 per square foot when you remove high water-use turf (grass lawn).
Eligibility for the Landscape Rebate Program
- Residential areas must be between 500 and 2,000 square feet.
- Non-residential areas must be between 500 and 12,500 square feet.
- You must be the property owner, or have the property owner's written consent.
- You must be EPCOR account holders who water their turf with EPCOR water
Important information
- Turf must be replaced with ground cover such as gravel or desert landscaping.
- Bare ground isn't permitted.
- If plants are installed, they must be listed as "Low" or "Low+" water use. Check for qualifying plants in The Complete How To Guide to Xeriscape or contact your local EPCOR office.
- If your application is approved, you must keep low water-use landscaping for as long as you continue to own or live at that address, whichever is longer.
- We issue rebates on a first-come, first-served basis based on limited funds.