15 moving tips everyone should know
It doesn't matter how many times you move, it's always more exhausting than you'd think. Give yourself one less thing to worry about and try out some of these helpful hacks to make moving day move a lot easier.
Use clothes or cushions for padding and protection
Socks are a great way to pad glasses and other small items to help prevent them from getting damaged in the move. Shirts and other articles of clothing can even be used to wrap and separate dishes. You not only save on bubble wrap but also help pack everything up faster.
Beer boxes are great for books
Beer boxes are already made to support lifting heavy bottles and their built in handles make carrying a lot easier. These boxes make perfect transport options for books and other heavy items.
Make your own DIY handles
Don't have any beer boxes lying around? Use a razor blade or utility knife to cut a small 4-inch slit near the top of any box and then a 3-inch perpendicular slit down the centre to make a T. Cut diagonally to form a triangle and then do the same on the other side. Now you have some easy handles to help make lifting boxes a lot easier.
Contact your utilities as soon as possible
Letting your utility company know about your move ahead of time is crucial to starting your life at your new home on the right foot. If you're looking for a new provider, starting a plan is easy as 1, 2, 3. Talk to us today at 310-4300 or visit or
visit us online here.
Label, label, label
With so much to move it's easy to lose track of where things belong. Use coloured packing tape, pens or stickers and coordinate it with specific rooms so unloading becomes a piece a piece of cake.
Moving day essentials
When the day is over and it's time to take a break, you are going to want to be able to find the things you need right away. Save a box for the items you will need later that day and during the unpacking process.
This can include:
- Toilet paper and toiletries
- Medications
- Snacks
- Basic cleaning supplies
- Coffee
- Pet supplies
- Disposable plates, cups, and utensils
Defrost your fridge the day before
Taking your fridge with you on the move? Make sure to defrost it at least a day before and wipe up any remaining moisture inside. Packing it up too soon before it's warmed up could impact the machine or cause other damage in the moving process.
Use masking tape for mirrors
Nobody wants seven years of bad luck. Take some masking tape and make a large X right in the middle of your mirrors and glass frames. It can't prevent from breaking but it will absorb shock and keep the glass frame in the case if it gets dropped.
Take photos of cables and electronics
The only thing more difficult than unplugging everything is figuring out where to plug everything back in. For game consoles, media boxes, and other A/V equipment, take a photo of how things are plugged in so you have an easy reference when setting it all back up.
Use toilet rolls to avoid tangling cables
Putting several cables in the same box is just asking for trouble. Wrap up your cables and tuck them each into their own toilet paper roll to easily separate and organize for later.
Plastic wrap your drawers
Dresser drawers are always at risk of jostling open during the move and instead of having to empty each and every drawer, use plastic wrap to help either seal the drawers from popping open or remove the drawers all together and plastic wrap each individually so each drawer can be moved safely by itself.
Put luggage and storage options to use
You have to move luggage and bags already so why not fill them up too? Suitcases are already made for travelling so fill them up with clothes, shoes or whatever else you need and skip having to use an extra box.
Pack jewelry in egg cartons
Help keep your jewelry and other small valuables safe and organized by placing rings, necklaces, or bracelets in old egg cartons. Just tape them so they stay shut.
Group clothes with hangers and garbage bags
No need to remove clothes from their hangers only to have to put them again later. Just take the hangers with the clothes still on them and group them in garbage bags in the order you had them previously hung. This way they don't get wrinkled and are ready to be hung in your new home.
Sharing is caring!
Moving is a great time to reevaluate your possessions. The less stuff you have to move the better and this is the perfect opportunity to sell, give away or donate anything you no longer need.
Moving can be difficult but it doesn't have to be. Encor wants to make it even easier. Got a tip of your own? Share it on our social channels on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. And if you are looking for electricity plans, natural gas plans or both, talk to us today at
310-4300 or
visit us online here.