The AUC is an independent regulator ensuring customers receive safe and reliable utility service at fair rates. Learn more at
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In October 2024, EPCOR acquired Harmony Advanced Water Systems Corporation (“HAWSCo”), the water and wastewater utility systems that serve the Harmony community. Now known as EPCOR Harmony, we are thrilled to welcome this operation into the EPCOR family and look forward to serving the community with the same dedication and excellence that we bring to all our operations.
Before and throughout our acquisition, several important regulatory milestones took place to ensure fairness in water rate adjustments.
What you need to know:
What does this mean for you?
We are making sure that the water rates you pay are fair and reflect the actual costs of providing reliable service. The adjustments will ensure you are billed accurately, with any necessary corrections for the past year included in future bills. This process is overseen by the AUC to ensure transparency and fairness.
For more details, please visit the AUC proceeding 29630.
Frequently asked questions
The AUC is an independent regulator ensuring customers receive safe and reliable utility service at fair rates. Learn more at
The AUC approved new rates for your water service on September 20, 2024. These rates, effective January 1, 2024, reflect the recent costs of providing safe and reliable service. You will see these changes on your September 2024 bill. Harmony is also transitioning from a flat rate to consumption-based billing.
We are updating customer accounts to reflect the newly approved 2024 rates. This adjustment will appear on your utility bill starting January 1, 2025, as a "Rate Rider A." This could result in either a credit or debit balance on your bill, ensuring accurate billing based on the approved rates.
Customers eligible for credits will receive a one-time refund. The rate rider will be applied starting in January 2025. Notifications will be sent via our website, water bills and bill inserts.
A true-up adjusts for differences between forecasted and actual approved revenue, ensuring HAWSCo's revenue matches the AUC's approval. A true-up is not back-billing, which charges customers retroactively.
The AUC's decision on HAWSCo’s 2024 rate was made in September 2024. A true-up ensures HAWSCo recovers the exact amount approved by the AUC for the period of January to August 2024, covering the cost of providing reliable service.
Rate riders are special credits or charges on a customer’s bill approved by the AUC. They ensure the utility can recover or refund cost differences.
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