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As of January 1, 2025, the price of gas and gas transportation will be increasing by $0.014602 per cubic meter to $0.136170 per cubic meter. The Ontario Energy Board has approved this change to reflect the prices that EPCOR expects it will be paying to suppliers through to the end of December, 2025. On your gas bill this cost is on the line titled “Gas Commodity”.
As a regulated utility, EPCOR is permitted to recover what it pays for the purchase of gas plus any costs reasonably associated with this purchase, but with no mark up or ‘profit’. The price on your bill is based on forecasted gas and transportation costs, which are reviewed by the OEB and reconciled with actual costs. The gas portion gets adjusted regularly throughout the year as the price of gas changes.
That will depend on the amount of gas you use. For a typical residential customer who consumes approximately 2,150 cubic meters of gas annually, this price change will increase your annual heating costs by approximately $31 per year. For customers who have arranged to have their gas supplied by a gas marketer/broker, the price may or may not change depending on the terms of the contract the customer has with the gas marketer/broker.
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has approved changes to the delivery charges that EPCOR charges its customers commencing January 1, 2025. On all bills rendered by EPCOR on or after January 1, 2025, there will be rate changes for the “Fixed Monthly Charge” and “Delivery To You Charges”. In addition, some temporary rate adjustments will be added to your bill from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 to recover and/or refund specific amounts related to the clearing of balances in certain deferral and variance accounts as approved by the OEB. Anticipated annual impact for residential customers be an increase of approximately $140 per year.
*Note: Transportation costs refer to costs to get gas into the system; delivery costs refer to the costs to get gas to a specific property.
If you have any questions about the changes in rates or any other item that appears on your bill, please feel free to call our office at 1 888-765-2256.
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