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French Creek
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Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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French Creek

We’ve served Vancouver Islanders in the French Creek area since 2006. In 2011, we moved to a “uniform rate” pricing structure to improve conservation. EPCOR’s activities in French Creek are informed by input from the Community Advisory Panel, which meets three times a year. 

Services provided 

  • Water and wastewater: 
    • Water distribution 
    • Water treatment 

About the systems 

French Creek’s water is treated in a Class III treatment plant and distributed to seven reservoirs around the community. The newest reservoir, on Church Road, was built in 2011 and boosted the system’s storage capacity by 25 per cent. The system draws on 16 groundwater wells. 

The community’s Class II distribution system uses a booster station pump house, 361 mainline valves and 30 km of piping to move treated water from the reservoirs to homes and business in French Creek. 

Figures of note 

  • 5,258: population served 
  • Between 560-610 million litres: treated water consumed in the area annually 
  • 202: fire hydrants in the area 

Operating model 

EPCOR’s activities in French Creek take place under an Own-Operate model. 

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