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Janice Rennie

Board Chair

Ms. Janice Rennie, FCPA, FCA, F.ICD, was appointed the non-executive chair of EPCOR's Board of Directors in May 2018

Ms. Rennie has a long-standing association with EPCOR, as a member of the board during the company's formative days and through subsequent years of transformational growth from 1996-2004. She is currently serving her second tenure on the board.

Her business background includes executive positions in large organizations and overseeing her own investment firm. This included the position of senior vice president of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness at EPCOR during a time of transition. Prior to this, Ms. Rennie held key executive positions with Princeton Developments.

With more than 20 years' experience as a corporate director, Ms. Rennie also serves on the board of Major Drilling International Inc., based in Moncton, N.B.; as well as on the board of West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., based in Vancouver. She is a past board member of Methanex Corporation.

In the not-for-profit sector, Janice has served as chair of the audit committee of the Province of Alberta and as a board member of the inaugural boards of the Accounting Education Foundation of Alberta and the Edmonton Community Foundation. She has also served on the boards of numerous Edmonton community organizations.

Ms. Rennie holds a bachelor of commerce from the University of Alberta and is a fellow of both the Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta and the Institute of Corporate Directors.

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