Application to adjust charges
EPCOR has applied to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for further orders to adjust the gas supply charge, the GPRA rate and the PGCVA reference price effective April 1, 2018 to reflect an updated forecast of gas costs, the projected balance in the PGCVA and the projected balance in the GPRA. Parties to this proceeding wishing to make comments on the application may do so by filing such submissions with the OEB Secretary (two hard copies plus an electronic copy by e-mail) and EPCOR no later than 4:45 p.m. five calendar days following the filing of the QRAM application.
EPCOR shall reply to any comments received by filing such replies with the OEB Secretary (two hard copies plus an electronic copy by e-mail) and serving a copy on all parties who make submissions no later than 4:45 p.m. three calendar days following receipt of comments.
The OEB issues its Decision and Order by the 25th of the month for implementation effective April 1, 2018.
Supporting documents