EPCOR is helping ignite the spirit of Edmontonians by initiating the biggest wave ever on social media. The citywide virtual-wave—inspired by groups of fans that jump to their feet, raising their arms at sports games—will symbolize the community's collective thank you to the essential workers at the front lines of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Sparked by tributes of support for service workers around the world, EPCOR is inviting anyone who wants to thank essential workers to record a short video clip of themselves doing their best high-energy, full-body wave.
"Customers count on us. Not just to be their utility provider but also to be a leader and a pillar within the community. These are difficult times and it is important to know and show that we can get through this together. And sometimes, that means finding ways to have fun, stay connected and in this case, show gratitude to those that are working to help others," said Stuart Lee, President & CEO, EPCOR.
Submissions can be done on your own, with other members of your household and even pets. No fancy equipment is required, just a cell phone or computer. EPCOR will compile all wave snippets into one big Edmonton-face filled video and release it as a thank you to unsung heroes on April 22. This positive movement is intended to recognize all essential service workers who are keeping the community safe and operational: healthcare workers; grocery store clerks; restaurant staff; bus drivers; city staff; utility workers; truck and delivery drivers; and more.
"I am staying inside and practicing physical distancing. It's important to make sure we keep safe and take all steps needed to stop COVID-19. It's also important to show support to the workers and volunteers out there facing it head on. I can say for a fact, knowing there are thousands of people behind you, cheering you on, creates a feeling that lifts you up and inspires greatness. Let's do this wave for them." said David Beard, Edmonton Eskimos Offensive Lineman.
Submit your wave of support between April 17 and midnight, April 18 by uploading it to waveforthefrontline.ca. The wave video will have an original track by songwriter, and R&B soul singer Tanika Charles, who was formerly based in Edmonton. The song, called Remember to Remember, is an uplifting anthem.
Participants can encourage others to submit by sharing through their social media channels using #waveforthefrontline. Once EPCOR shares the wave on April 22—they hope you will help spread it through your online community too.
In addition to initiating the biggest social media wave ever, EPCOR announced they will provide $300,000 toward COVID-19 fundraising campaigns. Both the United Way and the Edmonton Community Foundation received $150,000 each on April 15. These contributions will be eligible to be matched by the provincial government as part of its matching program announced April 12, 2020.
For more information, please contact:
Media Relations
(780) 721-9001