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Today, in partnership with funding from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority (WIFA), EPCOR announced a new grant program to help Arizonans save water and money.
“The Water Conservation Grant Fund is a critical part of WIFA’s holistic approach to securing Arizona’s water future,” said Chuck Podolak, WIFA’s Director. “Thanks to water providers who are dedicated to being the best possible stewards of this precious resource, WIFA was able to invest $200 million in projects that will save as much as 5.5 million acre-feet of water. We’re excited to see the success of these programs as they launch in communities across the state.”
Earlier this year, WIFA awarded EPCOR $1-million in grant funding for xeriscape landscaping credits. EPCOR is contributing an additional $250,000 of company funds, bringing the total available to support this critical program to $1.25 million.
“Arizonans are leaders in water sustainability and conservation,” said Shawn Bradford, Senior Vice President of Regulated US Water for EPCOR. “Removing grass and non-native plants, shrubs and trees – all of which consume a lot of water – can positively impact a customer’s bill and help to protect Arizona’s most critical resource, water.”
According to the Arizona Department of Water Resources, as much as 70 per cent of residential water use goes to outdoor landscaping, making it the largest use of potable water in Arizona. Grass uses 50 to 75 per cent more water than desert-friendly plants. EPCOR expects to save more than 20 million gallons of water annually through the program, about the amount of water that 150 homes use in a single year.
Through the xeriscape landscaping credit program, EPCOR customers may receive $3 per square foot for grass removal. Any EPCOR water customer in Maricopa County is eligible to apply for a credit, including homeowners associations, condo associations and businesses that receive water service from EPCOR. Credits are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Landscaping Changes Made after October 15, 2024: Customers must have an approved application on file with EPCOR before making any physical changes to their landscaping.
To begin the process customers must submit an online application, including supporting images, at www.epcor.com/xersicape. EPCOR’s Customer Care and Conservation teams will review the submittal within 10 business days.
Once pre-approved, customers should complete the landscaping changes and submit required documentation, including all receipts and pictures of finished landscaping to EPCOR. After EPCOR confirms that the changes match the original application, a one-time credit will appear on the customer’s next monthly water bill.
Landscaping Changes Made Between January 1 and October 15, 2024: Customers who already made landscaping changes to their properties between January 1, 2024, and October 15, 2024, are also eligible to apply for retroactive approval if all eligibility requirements are met. Applications for retroactive approval will not be accepted after December 15, 2024.
These customers should follow the same process outlined above, except that receipts and pictures of finished landscaping must also be submitted with the original application. Landscaping changes completed after October 15 that were not pre-approved are ineligible.
EPCOR delivers more than 165.4 billion gallons of water every year in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, carefully monitoring more than 3,241 miles of pipe to guard against losing water to leaks or breaks. More about EPCOR’s commitment to the environment can be found here.
For further information, please contact:
Director, Public & Government Affairs
Rebecca Stenholm
Office: 623-445-2424
Cell: 602-390-5662
Email: rstenholm@epcor.com
Assistant Director, External Affairs
Chelsea McGuire
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona
Phone: 480-647-6549
Email: cmcguire@azwifa.gov
EPCOR has been providing essential utility services to communities for more than 130 years. As a North American utility, and one of the largest private utilities in the American Southwest, EPCOR provides water, wastewater and natural gas service to approximately 1,005,000 people across 46 communities and 18 counties in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. With corporate offices in Phoenix, EPCOR employs more than 600 people across the southwestern United States.
About WIFA
WIFA is a state agency dedicated to ensuring the sustainability of Arizona's present and future water supply through financial investments in effective augmentation, conservation, reuse, and water quality. WIFA is Arizona's administrator of the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF and DWSRF), providing low-interest loans and technical assistance to water and clean water infrastructure projects, as well as three new funds aimed at conserving water and identifying new supplies. Over the last 30 years, WIFA has proudly invested almost $3 billion in communities throughout Arizona driving sustainable solutions and helping to secure Arizona’s water future.