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We applied and were approved for a System Improvement Benefits (SIB) mechanism for the Arizona wastewater district, to recover a return on and of net investments made between rate cases for pipe and manhole replacement and rehabilitation.

We plan to complete the projects over a five-year timeframe to control costs and reduce rate shock. We estimate the monthly surcharge amount per customer for each customer class will be as follows:

Year 1 ​Year 2 ​Year 3 ​Year 4 ​Year 5
​Monthly SIB Surcharge ​$0.41 ​$0.93 ​$1.46 ​$2.00 ​$2.43
​Efficiency Credit ​($0.02) ​($0.05) ​($0.08) ​($0.11) ​($0.12)

Read the customer notice

System Improvement Benefits Mechanism (SIB)

On June 27, 2013, in Decision No. 73938, the ACC approved the SIB mechanism - a tool that helps water utilities accelerate work on critical projects, while keeping costs down and water flowing to customers. SIB makes it possible for us to complete vital infrastructure work in four areas critical to the distribution system - hydrants, meters, valves and service lines - and to maintain our mission of delivering safe, clean and reliable water. It helps us do this faster, reducing financing costs and speeding up construction timelines.

About consolidation

Consolidation benefits all of our customers through efficiencies, cost savings and consistency. Now that our wastewater districts are consolidated, all customers pay the same rate for the same service, regardless of where they live. It also helps to address infrastructure needs, helping to keep customers' bills lower over the long term. Across our Arizona Wastewater district there are significant infrastructure needs and consolidation helps manage the impact the cost repairs and replacements have on our customers. While this application focuses on manhole and pipe repair and replacements in Sun City and Sun City West, there are many other infrastructure needs in all of our districts, including Anthem, that are and will be shared across all customers in our Arizona Wastewater district.