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​Each month, as an Arizona customer you will see the "ACC Regulatory Assessment Chrg" on your bill. This charge is adjusted each year and applies to both residential and non-residential customers. For residential customers, this includes a Residential Utility Consumer Office (RUCO) assessment charge.

Residential Customers

The rate each customer pays, which is calculated based on your total water and sewer charge for the month, will change to 0.001974, or 0.1974%. This includes a RUCO assessment charge for residential customers.

Non-residential Customers

The rate that each customer pays, which is calculated based on your total water and sewer charge for the month, will change to 0.001646, or 0.1646%.

Residential Customers (Rio Verde Only)

The rate each customer pays, which is calculated based on your total water and sewer charge for the month, will change to 0.001867, or 0.1867%. This includes a RUCO assessment charge for residential customers.

Non-residential Customers (Rio Verde Only)

The rate that each customer pays, which is calculated based on your total water and sewer charge for the month, will change to 0.01540, or 0.1540%.

Why am I being charged for this?

Because we're a regulated utility, your rates for water and/or wastewater service are determined by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Included in the fees for those services is an assessment fee that all regulated utilities in Arizona pay to support the operational costs of the ACC and RUCO.

EPCOR does not keep this money — we're simply required to collect it and then give it to the ACC to offset the ACC and RUCO's operating costs.