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Customers control their bills – the less water used, the lower the bill.

A larger family would likely use more water than a smaller one, but not in every case. Sometimes customers with no children use more water because of the kind of landscaping they have. Some homes have older, less-efficient water fixtures than others. Roughly 70% of water used in Arizona goes outdoors to landscaping, pools and other uses.

Every customer's bill is unique to their own home or business. In Arizona, the average home uses 7,000 gallons of water each month. Some people use less, but some people use much more.

It's a statewide mandate in Arizona to conserve water – rates are designed to encourage conservation. The base rate tier generally covers the basic amount of water needed – using more than that is based on individual choices and lifestyles. The more water you use, the more it costs.

Our job is to provide your service – it's your decision how much water you use.

Learn more about the value of water.