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View the Customer Notices page for Greater Northwest Houston or change your location.

​Important information for Havasu/Parker district

At EPCOR, we're committed to providing water and water service you can count on. We test water in our systems daily, and adhere to stringent Federal and local guidelines, including checking at various stages of its cycle — from wells, rivers, and mains to the tap itself — to ensure that the water you receive is safe. It's a process our water quality experts repeat over 21,000 times a year to make sure water meets drinking water standards and to monitor for contaminants.

Please view the lastest notices (January 2021) specific to your water system for the latest information on water testing in your area:

Please view the lastest notices (December 2020) specific to your water system for the latest information on water testing in your area:

Please view the notice specific to your water system for the latest information on water testing in your area: