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It takes many hands to lift up a community and we can accomplish so much more together. That's why employee volunteering is a key component of our support for local charities that are focused on setting socially-vulnerable children and young people up for success.

Through our Helping Hands Volunteer Program, our employees give back with their enthusiasm, skills, and heart. And each and every day their efforts in our community make us proud.

​Helping Hands Program

We provide opportunities for employees to volunteer with our charitable partners individually, with their work teams, and in larger groups with their family and friends.

Employees who volunteer 30 or more hours in a calendar year are eligible to receive a $300 Helping Hands Grant to direct to the charitable or non-profit organization of their choice.

We care about kids

Our volunteering activities provide people power to our charitable partners and help strengthen our support of education programs for kids in need. From sorting donations and stuffing backpacks, to reading to kids and serving school lunches, our volunteer initiatives help kids be successful in school and in life.

Our employees volunteer their enthusiasm, skills and heart


"We lead a busy life full of extra-curricular activities, but this opportunity allowed us time to bond and give back together," says Lise Cox, who brought her son along to wrap children's gifts for the Terra Center for Teen Parents Christmas Party. "I want my son to appreciate how important volunteering is and how small gestures can contribute to a better community."

​​For Water Maintenance manager, Jonathan Gelinas, it's a chance for his team to bond outside of the regular work environment. "This was a chance for us to get to know each other in a different setting and give back to the community at the same time", says Jonathan whose team prepared and served a meal at the Bissell Center. "The guys care very much about helping out and at the end of the day they wanted to make an even bigger difference by dropping off donations of clothing and supplies."


​And for Tague Chisholm, a Big Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters Boys and Girls Clubs, the trust built between he and his Little is heartwarming. "He knows I will be there when he has questions or when he needs someone to hang out with to get his mind off of something," says Tague. "Having another adult to talk to on a regular basis has given him the chance to be even more confident in himself."