Step 1: Project

Unique identifier for your specific micro-generator. (format 'IPP-XXXX'). The IPP number can be found on your interconnection agreement (ICA).

Site 1

Single: 120/240V residential or commercial power service.

Three: only used for 120/208V or 347/600V industrial applications; more efficient for large motors or mechanical systems.

Total generating unit output capacity at your site, measured in AC kilowatts.

Output of your micro-generator that matches the voltage of your home or business (typically 120/240V)

Total electrical consumption for the property, indicated as a month-by-month breakdown on your power bill (or can be requested in larger timescales from your retailer).

Aggregate multiple sites

You can use the micro-generation at one property ("Site 1") to offset the electrical consumption of multiple properties on the same circuit ("Sites 2+").

When aggregating multiple sites, it's important to adhere to the relevant aggregating regulations.

If your project involves aggregated sites, add them below. For more than 9 sites, contact

Site 2

Site 3

Site 4

Site 5

Site 6

Site 7

Site 8

Site 9

Site 10

Step 2: Upload supporting documents

* Upload the following required documents:
  • Electrical single-line diagram of the micro-generation system
  • Site plan of pictures to illustrate the micro-generation unit location
  • Equipment specification from manufacturer
  • Documentation verifying that the generator meetes the less than or equal to 418kg per MWh limit specified in the Micro-Generation Regulation (combined heat and power unit)
  • Third-party consent form (required if a contractor/consultant is filling out the form)

You may also upload any other supporting documents(s)

Maximum file size per file size per file is 25 MB

Valid file types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tif, psd, pdf, docx, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx

    Note: ensure that all required documents are uploaded. Any missing documents can significantly delay the processing of your form. To avoid any interruptions, double-check that you have included all necessary files before submitting.

    Step 3: Compliance

    •  All relevant micro-generation regulations outlined in Alta Reg 27/2008.
    • The applicable wires owner's micro-generator interconnection requirements and terms and conditions.
    • Met all applicable municipal and zoning requirements, including noise rules and by-laws.
    • Completed the participant involvement program stated in AUC Rule 007.
    • Met the requirements stated in AUC Rule 012 Noise Control.
    • Inverters comply with “CSA C22.3 No 9:20 - Interconnection of distributed energy resources and electricity supply systems” in particular standards respecting “Anti-islanding”.
    • Inverters comply with “UL1741 Supplement A and Supplement B - Standard for Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use with Distributed Energy Resources”.
    • Project meets all applicable environmental requirements.
    • Project meets all micro-generation generating requirements.
    • I am not aware of any outstanding objections from any person regarding the project.

    Step 4: Contact info

    Consultant Information

    Customer Information