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Power outage causes

There are a variety of ways a power outage​ can be caused, from weather and fallen tree branches to human error, damaged equipment or scheduled maintenance.

Power outage main causes

What to do before, during and after a power outage

It's good to have a plan in case of a power outage. Your plan should include a list of emergency phone numbers and an emergency kit that's easy to find in the dark.

Prepare for power outages

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Tree pr​uning and power outages

Every year, overgrown trees and other vegetation make contact with power lines. This contact creates a risk of electrical hazards including fires, electrical shock, and downed lines.​

Tree maintenance tips

Pow​er ​outages and your busine​ss

​Being prepared for a scheduled power outage can help keep your business, staff, and equipment safe.

Prepare your business for
scheduled outages

​Water outage causes​​

There are many reasons a water out​age may occur. There may be a nearby water main break​, or it could be an issue with your water supply line.

Water outage main causes

What to do before, during and after a water outage

Learn how to be prepared for an outage, what to during a water outage and after your water is restored.

Prepare for water outages​​​​​​​

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​Wha​t to do about frozen pipes

Water lines inside your home can freeze due to subzero temperatures, extreme wind chill​ and cold drafts. Learn about the ways to prevent pipes from freezing and what to do during a water emergency.

Preventing backflow in your home​

Water that flows opposite to its normal direction is called backflow, a problem that can accidentally contaminate drinking water in your home and, possibly, the entire public water system. Backflow conditions are potentially dangerous, but preventable.

Preventing backflow​​​​​