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​World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22. We wanted to share some information with you that will help you understand the importance of water, and wastewater, in your community. Browse through our information below to learn more about the reason why treating wastewater is so important, how wastewater is treated, what you can do to positively impact your water source and what items should not be flushed (including a short time-lapse video on how paper products dissolve in water). A few minutes of your time here, will impact our environment in a huge way!

​Water is home

Water is everything... and not just to us humans. Ducks, fish and all kinds of wildlife rely on us to keep our water source clean and safe.

How we keep the water safe 

Protecting water

It's no secret that we should be doing more to protect our water source. Here's how we can change our habits do to make a difference.

5 things you can do

What not to flush

Protect our water and environment, while preventing damage to your own pipes by properly disposing of certain household items.

Learn what not to flush