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Water makes our lives fun

We swim in it, skate on it, run through sprinklers and splash it around at spray parks. But of course, water does more than entertain us — we need water to keep us healthy and nourished. That's why, at EPCOR, we work around the clock to ensure you have clean, safe water with the turn of a tap. 

Here in Edmonton, our drinking water comes from the North Saskatchewan River, and we put it through an intensive treatment process before sending it to your home. As water gets treated, our water quality specialists test it continuously. In fact, we perform more than 110,000 tests every year.

We also treat the water you send down the drain and flush down the toilet, and test this "wastewater" in our lab every day to ensure it meets provincial requirements and can be safely returned to the river.

What do we test your drinking water for?

We test and adjust for hundreds of different parameters, including things like pH level, hardness and alkalinity from dissolved minerals, and conductivity.

Out of these 300 parameters, only 80 of them are required. The rest are voluntary parameters we at EPCOR set for ourselves, so when it comes to the quality of your water, you can rest assured it meets or exceeds all of the requirements set by provincial standards and Health Canada's Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality.

Water quality for future generations

We're dedicated to providing you with high quality water, but we depend on the river and health of our watershed to make it possible. Our watershed specialists work upstream, testing our river quality constantly, monitoring the river and helping protect our watershed, so our city will have clean, safe water today — and tomorrow.