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In the spring when conditions are just right, pole fires can keep our crews busy. But what exactly is a pole fire? And how do we respond? 

April showers bring … spring pole fires

Pole fires are a common cause of power outages during the spring months. When it's dusty and dirty after a long winter, sand and salt can cover the insulators that connect wires to the top of power poles. Add a bit of light rain or a snowstorm and the moisture can mix with the debris to create a conductive path for electricity to travel from the wires to the pole. Once the electricity hits the pole, it gets hot and then starts a fire.

Crews might only see one pole fire in an evening, and at other times, they might receive calls of multiple pole fires. Although they're most common after the first spring rain or a spring snowstorm, they can also pop up in the fall if we have a hot, dry summer.​