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Reasons for water restrictions

Water restrictions are implemented when water demand exceeds the capacity of the local treated water supply.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Extended periods of hot, dry weather.
  • Poor raw water quality (ex. due to major rain storm).
  • Contamination of the water source.
  • Unexpected malfunction of a major system resulting in a sudden shortage of water supply.

Non-essential water use

During this time, water should be deferred (except for human consumption).

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Washing vehicles, driveways and home exteriors
  • Filling a Jacuzzi, hot tub or swimming pool
  • Parks watering
  • Fleet vehicle washing
  • Irrigation​

Residents are encouraged to follow an alternate day lawn water schedule:

  • If your home address is an e​ven number, only water on even-numered days
  • If your home address is an odd number, only water on odd-numered days

Regular lawn requirements are only 2.5 cm of water per week, equal to 1 hour of watering per week.​​​​​